Improve Your Motivation to Workout Part 5

Creating a Back-Up Plan

Don’t forget to check out Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 if you haven’t already.

“No plan survives first contact with the enemy.”

Helmuth von Moltke the Elder

We’ve spent this week establishing that there are no secret tricks to increasing motivation, and that progress will likely come from improving our relationship with exercise, improving our self-talk, and budgeting motivation.

However, no matter how well prepared you are, your motivation will eventually fail. We may have delayed the process, but sooner or later you will renege on your goals/action plans. Even if we’ve controlled every variable, you will:

  • Miss a fitness milestone (like lifting a certain weight or looking a certain way);
  • Fall off the bandwagon with your action plans;
  • Have a terrible day that leaves you stressed/sore/exhausted.
By STIL on Unsplash

We’ve spent this week establishing that there are no secret tricks to increasing motivation, and that progress will likely come from improving our relationship with exercise, improving our self-talk, and budgeting motivation.

However, no matter how well prepared you are, your motivation will eventually fail. We may have delayed the process, but sooner or later you will renege on your goals/action plans. Even if we’ve controlled every variable, you will:

  • Miss a fitness milestone (like lifting a certain weight or looking a certain way);
  • Fall off the bandwagon with your action plans;
  • Have a terrible day that leaves you stressed/sore/exhausted.
By STIL on Unsplash

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