Need to Improve Your Workout Motivation? Just Watch Inception.
When I was in my teens and early twenties, my life would consist of working out, playing computer games, and watching films. It may seem surprising, but I got a lot of my workout motivation from my sources of entertainment. In most of the entertainment I watched, the characters were strong, fit, and capable. Action films inspired me to take up kickboxing, which led me to pursue strength training as a means to improve my performance.
By contrast, Inception may seem like an odd film to draw workout motivation from. While it is action-packed, the film doesn’t handle action with such physicality as a Schwarzenegger film, for example. And yet, Inception taught me one very important lesson about workout motivation. To be specific, it taught me a great deal about motivating my clients to work out.

Why Did Inception Make Me Think about Working Out?
Inception is a story about ideas. In the film, thieves infiltrate people’s dreams to implant ideas that make characters behave in ways that they normally wouldn’t. The main example of this is an idea that is planted in a man’s subconscious that drives him to destroy the multi-billion-dollar company he was due to inherit from his father. The thieves plant this idea while the man is dreaming. This process is called inception.

If inception is successful, the target wakes from their dream, having wholly adopted the idea, which can go on to define their actions and their character. Do you see what this has to do with workout motivation yet?