Video: 10 Tips for Working Out When You Have No Time to Workout

When you have no time to workout, it can feel like you’ll never reach your fitness goals. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

A picture of me at the top of the pullup bar

You might have no time to workout after work, or looking after children. These things are not easy to balance with a fitness routine, and there should be no shame in admitting that fitness probably isn’t your top priority. Too many people get caught up in feeling bad that they’re not training every day.

A lot of this guilt and shame can come from too many influencers and celebrities telling us how we should look and how often we should be training. Well, this is your sign to stop listening to them. Instead, use that energy to focus on making your training fit your lifestyle.

The video below will cover some lifestyle and mindset tips that will help you adjust your approach if you feel you have no time to workout. I also cover some important changes to make your workouts more time-efficient, although I have covered this quite thoroughly in these previous blogs:

How to Train Around a Busy Work Life

Quick Exercise Formats That Will Make You Strong

A woman laying prone on the floor of a studio gym, lifting her chest from the floor in a "cobra" pose

Tips for Getting Results when You Have No Time to Workout

There’s a cliché that we all have the same 24 hours in a day. This isn’t true, especially if you have a very busy work or family life. Rather than pretending that you should be just as gym-focussed as a fitness influencer, you should instead focus on doing what you can.

You still owe it to yourself to stay strong and healthy, even if that means doing it your way. Here are 10 ways you can do that.

You can find lots of videos like this one on my Youtube channel.

Don’t have time to watch the video? Here’s a quick summary of the points inside:

  1. Acknowledge that you are short on time, and alter your expectations accordingly.
  2. Keep your warmups simple.
  3. Keep exercise variety low.
  4. Keep simple exercise variations in mind in case the gym is busy.
  5. Use sensible supersets.
  6. Use cluster set training.
  7. Manage your variables outside of training.
  8. Get help!
  9. Take the commute out of your workout.
  10. Commit now!

If you feel like you have no time to workout, you might benefit from a FREE consultation with me. These last 30-60 minutes can be done over the phone. Even if you don’t start personal training with me, this consultation will help you gain new clarity regarding your gym goals. Get in touch below!