Video: How to Train for a Strong Lower Back

Having a strong lower back always ranks somewhere on people’s list of gym goals. It may not be as important as their holiday or marathon goals, but lower back strength always comes up eventually.

Often, a new client mentions that their back occasionally feels weak, sore or tired. While back pain can be nuanced, there are simple steps we can take that can make a difference.

What a Strong Lower Back Could Mean for You

A strong lower back doesn’t just affect your gym workouts. It can affect your work, social life, leisure activities, and so much more. If you’ve ever lacked confidence in your back strength, then you can probably remember a time it held you back.

When I started training in kickboxing and weightlifting I was often disrupted by a sore lower back. I had my share of back injuries, and learned a lot of lessons about how to move and train properly.

This post won’t dive into specific back issues, but it will discuss some of the methods that have helped me and my clients feel better about our lower back strength.

By Sasun Bughdaryan on Unsplash

I’ve outlined my step-by-step training process in the video below. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to training or back soreness, so this is a general approach. That being said, I’ve made clear steps for you to follow if you want a strong lower back.

The topic of lower back strength and back pain is very layered. That’s why I’ve written a post on How to Manage a Weak or Sore Lower Back. If you’re feeling ready to take your back strength to the next level, I’ve also listed my 7 Favourite Exercises for Back Strength.

With that covered, here’s the video:

Got questions about back strength, or anything else? Get in touch!