Improve Your Motivation to Workout Part 1


When starting a fitness habit, one of the biggest obstacles will always be finding motivation to workout. Unless you’re superhuman (or kidding yourself), you’ve probably asked yourself one of the following questions at one point:

  • How do I get motivated to work out?
  • What is causing my lack of motivation?
  • Why do I get super motivated, only to fall off the bandwagon weeks later?

The Fitness Motivation Cycle

We tend to go through cycles of motivation. Sometimes, your motivation will be super high. This leads you to set up a new training or dietary routine. A few weeks pass by if you’re lucky, then boom – it’s all over. Your motivation takes a nosedive. You give up your hard work and go back to square one. Then the next time you feel pressure to change, the cycle begins anew.

Fitness Motivation Cycle
The Fitness Motivation Cycle

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