The Ultimate 7 Exercises for a Strong Back
When I started in the gym, the main focus was on the muscles on the front of the body; these were easiest to see in the mirror. But now, we’re living in the age of the strong back.
Training for well-rounded back strength should encompass the following areas:
- The back of the legs (hamstrings);
- The bottom muscles (glutes);
- Lower back muscles (the erector spinae, among others)
- A wide range of upper back muscles.

Why a Strong Back is Important
- Strong hamstrings are often recommended for building knee resilience and hamstring injury prevention;
- A strong lower back and glutes will prepare you for daily lifting tasks and reinforce many of your compound exercises;
- Upper back strength can help with posture and support the lower back.
- It’s just really satisfying to be strong in these areas!
The muscles of the back comprise a variety of movements, angles, and functions, so your back training has to be well-rounded. A lot of back exercises will also take a toll on your grip, so pepper your back training exercises across multiple workouts and cycle them between training programmes.