The Best Tips For Better Squats and Deadlifts

When you’re getting started in strength training, a good goal is to improve your squats and deadlifts.

Getting started with your big lifts is more straightforward than people make out, but mastering them takes time.

Some of these tips take a closer look at the technique used in training, whereas other tips are more focussed on exercise selection and programme design.

Man standing inside a hex bar preparing to deadlift

More Content to Improve Your Squats and Deadlifts

I’ve written a huge number of guides for squatting and deadlifting in this blog. You can find many of them in the “Strength Training” category on this site.

For this post, I want to focus on some of the video content I’ve made. This allows you to get some quick visual tips for improving squats and deadlifts instead of reading. I’ve been working hard on my video content lately, so please consider subscribing!

Image of me bending over a bar preparing to perform a clean

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Everything You Need to Know About Weightlifting Shoes

If you’ve been training in gyms for a while, you might have seen a few people wearing weightlifting shoes. You’ll recognise them by their funky design and the fact they have a solid, wedge-like heel.

These heeled shoes are popular amongst Olympic weightlifters, powerlifters, Crossfitters, and other strength-focussed gym-goers.

With the increased popularity of these training methods in mainstream gyms, these shoes are becoming increasingly common. So much so that you might be tempted to buy your own! In this guide I’ll break down whether you should get your own weightlifting shoes, and when to use them.

Note: I previously recommended these shoes in my list of the best gym kit for strength training. Check out the other items on the list!


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A Guide To Bench Pressing

Outside of powerlifting, the technical aspects of bench pressing seems to get less attention than the squat and deadlift. While the bench press can be quite nuanced, I think this exercise encourages slightly more reckless training behaviours – due to the reasons we discussed in part 1 of this bench pressing guide.

Me spotting a bench press

Bench pressing is possibly more accessible than the other big lifts. However, in my experience of teaching clients to bench press for powerlifting and more general goals, there are still many facets of bench pressing that are not common knowledge. I will attempt to cover as many of them as I can here.

As with all of the lifting guides I’ve made, they’re long posts. Be sure to bookmark it so you can come back to the specific questions when you need to.


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Should You Include the Bench Press in Your Training?

The barbell bench press is one of the “big three” strength training exercises. I have given a little attention to the squat and deadlift already, now it’s time to give the bench press the same treatment.

As with my other guides, this first part will cover training considerations for the bench press, like how and why we might use the bench press in training. Part two will discuss actual bench press execution. Without further ado, let’s get started.


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How to Improve Your Front Squat Form

In part 1, I explained why I think the front squat is such a useful exercise. There’s just something impressive about the leg and back strength required to squat deep whilst refusing to be buried by the weight that’s resting on your chest. I also discussed the step-by-step approach to performing the front squat, and highlighted the importance of good front squat form.

I also mentioned that there are many aspects of the front squat that require your attention in order to master the exercise. There are many potential weak links that can limit the front squat, including the wrists, upper back, and general squat mobility issues. This guide will cover how to adequately prepare each aspect of front squat form for the best squat workout possible.

The cross-grip front squat may be less stable than the Olympic-style version.

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How to Front Squat: A Step-by-Step Guide

I’ve covered squatting in my two-part guide previously, but the front squat offers enough distinct challenges (and benefits) that I thought it was worth going over it separately.

The front squat, as the name suggests, is a way of squatting with the bar on the front of the body as opposed to on the back. This alters the weight distribution of the exercise, which typically leads to a more upright, knee-dominant squat compared to a back squat.

Olympic-style Front Squat


This is one of my favourite lifts. It trains lower body strength through a large range of motion, and also challenges the muscles of the back to remain upright with a weight bearing down on your shoulders. In my opinion, this makes it a useful exercise for a myriad of sporting and “real-world” tasks that require you to keep a rigid trunk (core), as well as carrying things – not to mention the act of squatting itself.

The front squat will also improve certain specific exercises such as cleans.

Hang Cleans

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How to Get The Most Out Of Your Deadlifts

In the Gym

Now that you’ve made the majority of your choices regarding how to perform your deadlifts, it’s time to get to the gym. This part of the guide will help you make the most of the workout.

Not sure what to start with deadlifting? Check out 10 Things You Need to Know About the Deadlift.


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10 Things You Need to Know About the Deadlift

Whenever I take someone through a new gym programme for the first time, I find myself wishing there was a resource I could direct them to with all the information they need on each element of their training. This is my attempt at creating such a resource for the deadlift.

People have a lot of questions about deadlifts. From concerns about proper deadlift form to wanting to hit a new personal best, it’s a nuanced exercise. For some people, the deadlift is just about grabbing the bar and ripping it off the floor. For others, it’s about being as cautious as humanly possible to avoid your back exploding. If you’re a regular reader of this site, you know by now that the answer lies somewhere in the middle.

Part 1 – Before You Lift

As with my previous squat guide, Part 1 will focus on the things you need to know before you go into the gym on deadlift day. Part 2 will focus on execution of the deadlift, BUT this is not a step-by-step guide to performing the deadlift. That would be much more effective in video form.

Note: My online deadlift programme is now available. Check it out if you want a stronger deadlift!


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Take Your Squat to New Levels – Part 2

In the Gym

Previously, we discussed the decisions you have to make when adding squats into your routine. I answered some of the most common questions that will prepare you for the best squatting workout. In this post I’ll be discussing the finer details of performing the squat itself.

Although anyone can learn how to squat from a Youtube video, the devil is in the detail.

Was there something I didn’t cover? Let me know!

How Should I Warm Up for Squats?

When preparing for squats, you should focus on mobility for the ankles, hips, and back. You can dedicate more focus to the areas you struggle with. I have attached a sample warm-up, including variations for back and front squats.


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Take Your Squat to New Levels – Part 1

Whenever I take someone through a new gym programme for the first time, I find myself wishing there was a resource I could direct them to with all the information they need on each element of their training. This is my attempt at creating such a resource for the squat. If it’s well-received I will make similar guides for other exercises.

This won’t be a step-by-step guide through the act of squatting. This would be much better demonstrated in a video, not to mention the fact that writing 1000+ words about squatting would probably make it easier to overthink the exercise. Instead, I’ll be focussing on those nitty-gritty decisions that will get the most out of your squat workout.

Part 1: Before You Squat

This part will focus on things you should know about squatting before you even set foot in the gym. Part 2 will be focussed on things you need to know to get the most out of your squatting session.

Why Should I Squat?

It’s a fundamental movement pattern, which means it is a blueprint for a number of other key movements such as:

  • Sitting and standing;
  • Jumping and landing;
  • Decelerating suddenly from a forward sprint;

Any task that requires moving up and down using our legs!

Squatting and Jumping
By Fabio Jock on Unsplash

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